Building Self Esteem

Thursday, February 28, 2013
Building self-esteem should start from thinking positive. How to do this is not easy, especially because at times we can't control our thoughts. The mind has something to do with how far we think over a certain situation. And worst, this create delusions which may lead to something not healthy.

It takes a lot of practice to have positive outlook in all aspects of life. That is, if you like to live happy and get less stress. It's actually normal to feel negative over an ordeal, but you can be able to deal with it through changing your mindset to a positive approach. This way, you will realized that you are detaching yourself from your problem itself. It's called problem solving. When you do this, you will feel good and you start to re-build your self-esteem.

It is being noted that for one to have self-esteem, all his/her needs should be met. This is very true. And in general, it is. But not all times since there are a lot of self-actualized people whose esteem is lost. It may be due to some internal factors in their family or relationships, that has made them low. Physical and verbal abuse are both factors which may addressed the involved person to seek professional help. Life is not perfect. For on the other side you are at the top, on the other one you're at the bottom. It's a fair share actually if you don't see it anyway. If life should have been perfect, there's no chance at all of growing into a better and stronger person, and there's no lesson to be learned at all!

Back To Yoga

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I really like yoga. As a matter of fact, it's my area of choice when it comes to staying healthy both in mind and body. But as much as I wanted to do it, I've been more inclined with running than yoga.  This is because I lose more calories than the latter. However, these past few days, when I rested for like a week from running, I tend to eat more food in replacement of what I lost from my run, and I didn't realize that I have eaten more than my body requirements. As a result, I gained a bit of weight.

I just started to be mindful again, of what I eat. Seems like running has created something on my mind saying that it's okay to eat because you're still burning calories when at rest, but it's not. Actually, it is. I just didn't watch what I have eaten. I am compensating. And I am doing yoga today!

Value Health Before It's Too Late

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
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Working as a mother or housewife is quite a stressful job, that no amount of money can compensate, nor allows you to file for a leave of absence or reasons just to give yourself a break for long vacation. It's tough. And it is tougher though when we have regrets at the end, of taking our health for granted.

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The same is true if you are working either as professional or not. The workload is at times visible thereby making you stressed and sometimes burnt you out. For most of the reasons they have is to earn more money that places their health at stake. This can usually happen to people who are workaholics and/or those who work abroad and have left their family in their homeland.

Positive Outlook

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Self-talk is the endless stream of thoughts that run through your head every day. These automatic thoughts can be positive or negative. Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information.

If the thoughts that run through your head are mostly negative, your outlook on life is more likely pessimistic. If your thoughts are mostly positive, you're likely an optimist — someone who practices positive thinking.

The health benefits of positive thinking:
Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
• Increased life span
• Lower rates of depression
• Lower levels of distress
• Greater resistance to the common cold
• Better psychological and physical well-being
• Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
• Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

It's unclear why people who engage in positive thinking experience these health benefits. One theory is that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body. It's also thought that positive and optimistic people live healthier lifestyles — they get more physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and have reduced rates of smoking and alcohol consumption.

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